Personalized Coaching

Do you know what to do, but struggle when it comes to follow through? Consistency is key!

Do you get overwhelmed with the logistics of establishing healthy habits? Simplicity is key!

Do you benefit from having someone to share your goals and progress with? Accountability is key!

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, 1:1 Coaching could be a great fit for you.

How it works -

  1. Fill out your GOAL Form

  2. Book our 30 min coaching call

  3. Pay for your first month

Next Steps -

  1. Download/print your HABIT TRACKER

  2. Identify your VALUES

  3. Choose a focus WORD for the month

  4. Create a list of your Identity Based Habits

  5. Choose your BOOK for the month

1:1 Coaching cost breakdown

$150/month includes:

  • Three 30 min coaching calls - beginning, middle and end of month

  • Design plan of action - let’s create sustainable habits

  • Weekly check-ins via email (Sun and Wed)

  • Optional Components -

    • Mini mindset workshop (stop “shoulding” all over yourself)

    • Enneagram Intro (learn what motivates you and why you do what you do)

Optional Add-ons:

Check-ins in person $30 / visit

Coaching calls $25 / call

Personalized Fitness Plan $150/plan for one month

Personalized Nutrition Plan $150/plan for one month

30 Days to healthy living program complementary with purchase of supplements

Not sure if this is for you? let’s Connect or book a Chat!