lifelong habits group

  • Do you struggle with setting goals and sticking to your plan?

  • Do you find it hard to stay motivated?

  • Do you find yourself in a negative self talk loop or in a “should trap” often?

  • Do you want to make changes, and you know WHAT to do, but you have a hard time making progress and seeing results?

  • Are you sick of going it alone? Do you feel lonely in this space like everyone else has it all figured out but me?

  • Is every Monday the day you are going to “start over” and “be better” just to make it to Tuesday and “fall off the wagon?”

  • Do you know you are capable of more, but just not sure how to bring it out?

  • Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?

March 1 - 29

4 week program

1 virtual meeting / week (recorded if you can’t make live session)

1 in-person meeting (time/date based on group vote)

Options for weekly progress check-ins

Objective of the program:

1. Identify areas where you are in a “should trap” or where you seek room for improvement. This can be in any area of life - but ideally we’d focus as a group mainly on healthy living / wellness / mindfulness / fitness, etc.

2. Draw a parallel to your underlying values connected to your “shoulds” and see where you are putting unrealistic expectations on yourself. Create core values list.

3. Create empowering statements and then action plans to start moving the needle towards becoming this new/improved version of you.

4. Ultimately choose one word that will accompany you through the rest of your journey in 2023. This will be your baseline - a way to ground yourself and a reminder of WHO you are and WHO you are becoming as you step into your greatness.

Cost for program: $25 week/ 4 weeks = $100

By joining the waitlist, you are not committing but rather letting me know you are curious to learn more.